Thursday, February 02, 2006

When I was a student at Washington University in St. Louis, our chancellor was William H. Danforth. To the students, he was "Chan Dan," an established, respected, imposing figure. Very tall and distinguished, he spoke with a voice of infinite calm and enormous depth.

His brother is John Danforth, former Senator from the Show Me State. When John was in the senate, he was what was known as a "moderate" Republican. There were lots of those in the early 1990s- Mark Hatfield, John Chaffee, Mr. Danforth, the list goes on. There were even senators before that known as "liberal" Republicans- Lowell Weiker, Jacob Javits. Some moderates are still around today, but I do not believe they are as moderate- or as influential- as senators like Danforth were.

Here is a great article from the Washington Post about Mr. Danforth and his opinions on the current political climate.


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