Monday, May 08, 2006

The bennefits of blogging

Most of you who read my page are also familiar with Cajun Tiger, who I consider my polar opposite. Me, the liberal Jewish man from New York, him the conservative Christian man from Louisiana. We have little in common except for blogs, our love of free speech, and a love for our country.

Recently, on CT's blog, he and I and others engaged in a long debate about Rep. Patrick Kennedy, his recent misfortunes, his family history, and his addiction. After exchanging posts, CT had the class to admit he was not aware of certain facts, which somewhat altered his perspective on the matter at hand.

This illustrates to me that, despite our differences- not just me and CT, but everyone- if we continue to converse and debate, and remain open to new ideas and a respect for the truth, we can reach agreements on our thoughts and how we view events. If agreements between people like CT and myself are possible, the future may have a chance after all.


At 8:23 AM, Blogger Cajun Tiger said...

Sorry...haven't stopped by all forgot to mention you have agreed twice with me...oops...didn't mean to rat you out to your lib friends ;)

At 10:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your are Excellent. And so is your site! Keep up the good work. Bookmarked.

At 12:38 PM, Blogger Carole Turner said...

I think that is the biggest political problem today in America-lack of listening, actually hearing, what each other are saying. I totally and whole heartidly disagree with ideas of some on the left but not all. I am far more conservative but there are several issues that I feel conservative should listen to the other side more about. The Environment, social justice just to name two. But I also feel the fridge of both sides sets the agenda and feel to be the jingoistic trumpit for America and I do not like that.


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